
Until We Meet Again - Riot

Riot 最近发行了新专辑 “Unleash the Fire”,这首曲子是专辑中唯一的抒情歌曲。在2011年发行的专辑 “Immortal Soul”我把它视作近年最强势的回归之作,至今都是饭后甜点。这次的专辑依旧强势,相比前一张略显温柔(是在极度粗犷的前提下)。不过始终是他们的招牌风格, 这一点是金字招牌。再来介绍下乐队,Roit 是美国的老牌重金属乐队,非常的知名,成立于1975年的纽约,创始人是吉他手 Mark Reale,他负责全部作品的制作,是个极品的天才。乐队巅峰时期是1987年那张“Thundersteel”,该专辑可谓是重金属风格的典范制作,可以说是他们开创了旋律重金属之门。记得在听上张专辑的时候都快哭了,那种感觉只有 metalhead 才能理解。

My old friend, has a really been another year
Life goes on, but it's not the same without you here
Still find myself
Grabbing a phone to give you a call

I was young when you came and took me under your wing
To become a friend, a brother and a blessing

You gave me a chance to have my own voice be heard
And did not ask anything from me in return

Together we'd kick back and create some songs to share
Melodies sung in unison like an evening prayer

Childhood dreams, taking our music all around the world
Memories of us making our fantasies come alive

Until we meet again my friend
We will join and sing along
Until we meet again my friend
We will celebrate your song

Until we meet again my friend
We will join and sing along
Until we meet again my friend
We will celebrate your song

Until we meet again my friend
We will join and sing along
Until we meet again my friend
We will celebrate your song

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